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Wiki Creator & Special Thanks

This wiki has been created by ZUltra3166.

Special Thanks:

  • Massive thank you to Gruby Entertainment for their support in me making this wiki, not to mention making a game good enough that I spent as much time as I did learning how to make a wiki just for their game. Specific shoutouts go to Artur for help with the onboarding & support in allowing use of copyright Deadlink material on the wiki, Karol for answering a lot of questions that ended up being used for the wiki, including the Armor Damage Reduction section on Damage Mechanics, and to Greg for continued support from Gruby, helping provide a lot of data to be put on the wiki, and agreeing with and coordinating linking the wiki in-game.
  • Vern Carson (VRN on the discord) for almost all information on the Damage Mechanics page combined with virtually all damage related data as well as how they're calculated are shaped from his Damage Testing Spreadsheet. He also helped a lot in giving input on the pages, and his time spent testing has saved a ton of time testing.
  • Huge thanks to vddCore (also known as V) who helped with a TON of behind-the-scenes stuff to lay the foundation for the wiki, continues helping in providing data for the wiki, and made the base-colors of the wiki match the in-game theming.
  • Thank you to Souper for their help gathering & verifying various bits of information.
  • wiki.gg staff was very helpful in the onboarding, as well as having resources like the wiki.gg discord and the support wiki, not to mention the wiki.gg platform being well made & great to work with.
  • Thank you nikola_shekerev in the deadlink discord for help in getting all the codex entries onto the wiki.
Game Devs

Deadlink was developed by Gruby Entertainment, and the pc port was published by SuperGG.com, console port was both ported and published by Crunching Koalas.

About Gruby:

Gruby Entertainment is a small, independent, fully remote Polish game development studio founded in 2020.

We put a ton of effort into making games we all want to play. We love everything about game development and see it as an opportunity to create memorable experiences.

Gruby Entertainment's goal is to manufacture nutritious, high-calorie gameplay for hardcore gamers, giving them hours of action-packed excitement interspersed with meaningful decisions. We want to makes games for an audience that's hungry for fresh, innovative approaches to existing genres, with a focus on high-quality gameplay based on an extensive "iterative polish" process.[1]




  1. [1], Gruby Entertainment's about info taken from Press Kit