Combat Shells

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In Deadlink, there are four Combat Shells, also known as classes, of Soldier, Hunter, Engineer, and Juggernaut. Soldier is unlocked by default, the other classes need to unlocked as explained in their respective sections below.

Each combat shell has a primary weapon, secondary weapon, primary ability, and secondary ability, and they each have their own unique Shell Upgrades and Weapon Mods.

All combat shells have the ability to dash, which by default has only one charge, but that can be upgraded to 2 through HUB Upgrades. The recharge time for dashes is 1.55 seconds, and you move at 32 m/s for 0.25 seconds when dashing.

To see more detail about a Combat Shell, Ability or Weapon, visit their respective pages for more info (Abilities are explained in detail on the pages for the respective class).

T UI Loadout Shell SoldierInv.png Soldier

T UI Codex Soldier.png

The default combat shell, equipped with a Shotgun as a primary weapon, and Rocket Launcher as a secondary weapon, GripWire Rappel (also known as the grapple hook) primary ability, and Scrambler secondary ability.

T UI Weapon ShotgunInv.png
The Shotgun, also known as the Scrapper Shotgun in the Codex, is Soldier's primary weapon. It has a very tight spread, is reliable in many scenarios, and can be used effectively short to medium range. Like all primary weapons, it can be reloaded infinitely.

T UI Weapon RocketLauncherInv.png
The Rocket Launcher, also known as Bonegrinder MMMP in the Codex, is Soldier's secondary weapon. It has a large AoE, knocks the player backwards from recoil, and is effective at all ranges, though can deal significant damage to the player with its AoE. Like all Secondary Weapons, it has limited ammo, and cannot be reloaded.

T UI Skill HookInv.png
The GripWire, also known as Hook or GripWire Rappel in the Codex, is Soldier's primary ability. It hooks onto the targeted Enemy or C-Ball, and instantly starts reeling the player in at a considerable speed, during which you're immune to damage.

T UI Skill KineticInv.png
The Scrambler is Soldier's secondary ability. It releases a cone of energy outwards from the player that Marks and Staggers enemies.

T UI Loadout Shell HunterInv.png Hunter

T UI Codex Hunter.png

The second combat shell, equipped with a Hand Cannon primary weapon, ARC Cannon secondary weapon, Translocator primary ability, and Decoy secondary ability.
Hunter is unlocked after completing 10 combat encounters.

T UI Weapon HandCannonInv.png
The Hand Cannon, also known as the Tora Peacekeeper in the Codex, is Hunter's primary weapon. It's a high precision moderate damage pistol, great for any range with good enough aim. Like all primary weapons, it can be reloaded infinitely.

T UI Weapon ARCInv.png
The ARC Cannon is Hunter's secondary weapon. It fires a wide horizontal beam of energy that infinitely pierces, and only breaks when the center of the projectile hits a wall. This allows you to hit enemies just around a corner since you can have the edge of the projectile stick out past the corner where you cannot see. Like all Secondary Weapons, it has limited ammo, and cannot be reloaded.

T UI Skill SwapInv.png
The Translocator, also known as the Switchback Translocator in the Codex, is Hunter's primary ability. It either breaks a targeted C-Ball or swaps the location of the player and a targeted enemy, unless the enemy is too big. It Marks and Stuns enemies regardless of their size.

T UI Skill DecoyInv.png
The Decoy, also known as the IFF Decoy in the Codex, is Hunter's secondary ability. It creates a false image of the Hunter & turns the player invisible upon activation, exiting invisibility after ___ seconds, or upon attacking. It both Marks and Stuns enemies nearby when activated.

T UI Loadout Shell EngiInv.png Engineer

T UI Codex Engineer.png

The third combat shell, equipped with a Gauss Rifle primary weapon, Tarball Launcher secondary weapon, Wormlink primary ability, and Turret secondary ability.
The Engineer class can be found right before the second boss on the 4th run, completed or otherwise. On the left from the boss entrance are broken doors where you can find the combat shell lying on the operating table.
One strategy to unlock Engineer quickly is to start & abandon 3 runs, and unlock Engineer on the 4th run.

T UI Weapon AssaultRifleInv.png
The Gauss Rifle, also known as the XM34 CEMD Gauss Rifle in the Codex, is Engineer's primary weapon. It's an assault rifle like weapon with a large magazine, low damage, and can be effective at any range with good aim. Like all primary weapons, it can be reloaded infinitely.

T UI Weapon GrenadeLauncherInv.png
The Tarball Launcher, also known as the Grenade Launcher or Tarball HRGL in the Codex, is Engineer's secondary weapon. It's a grenade launcher with sticky grenades that can be detonated remotely. Like all Secondary Weapons, it has limited ammo, and cannot be reloaded.

T UI Skill TaserInv.png
The Wormlink, also known as the Wormlink Breach in the Codex, is Engineer's primary ability. It can either hook onto a C-Ball to give a significant movement speed boost, or can hook onto a targeted enemy, Marks & completely incapacitating, or if the enemy is killed before then, it explodes for 75 damage with a 7.5 meter explosion radius.

T UI Skill TurretInv.png
The Turret, also known as the Sentry or Lawbringer Sentry in the Codex, is Engineer's secondary ability. It deploys a turret that deals 10 damage at 720 rpm. It both Marks and Stuns enemies nearby when deployed.

T UI Loadout Shell JuggerInv.png Juggernaut

T UI Codex Juggernaut.png

The fourth combat shell, equipped with a Sawed Off Shotgun primary weapon, GNU+Cluster secondary weapon, Graviton Punch primary ability, and Stray Redirector secondary ability.
The Juggernaut class can be found by completing the Femto encounter marked ??? in the elevator. Completion of the run is not necessary to unlock.

T UI Weapon SawedoffInv.png
The Sawed Off Shotgun, also known as the double barrel shotgun or the Prime Eliminator in the Codex, is Juggernaut's primary weapon. It has 2 shots with the shots firing on trigger pull and trigger release, and like the Rocket Launcher, it knocks the player backwards with recoil. It has a very wide spread, so limited damage & accuracy outside of close range. Like all primary weapons, it can be reloaded infinitely.

T UI Weapon FCannonInv.png
The GNU+Cluster, also known as Flak Cannon, is Juggernaut's secondary weapon. It shoots a grenade that explodes a set distance from the player, turning into fragments launched in a cone shape. It's most effective at medium range, lining up the targets to be right after the grenade explodes into fragments, and has considerable damage falloff at other ranges. Like all Secondary Weapons, it has limited ammo, and cannot be reloaded.

T UI Skill GravitonPunchInv.png
The Graviton Punch, also known as the Punch ability, is Juggernaut's primary ability. After a short windup, it launches the player towards where you are facing at the end up the windup, launching the player a set distance at a fast speed, and can break C-Balls or do significant damage to enemies upon contact. You are able to do any action during the punch, such as shooting weapons, reloading, throwing a grenade, etc, and it Marks and Stuns enemies.

T UI Skill StrayRedirInv.png
The Stray Redirector is Juggernaut's secondary ability. Upon activation your movement speed is reduced, you absorb all incoming damage, and after it wears off or a second activation you return to normal and generate an explosion that Marks and Staggers enemies.