Codex/Bonegrinder MMMP

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General Info
Secondary Weapon
Unlocked by Default

H-Ammo “Bonegrinder” MMMP
Calibre: 20mm
Cartridge: Purpose-built rockets and grenades

Swiss manufacturer H-Ammo entered the market by releasing a truly lightweight, magazine-fed multipurpose rocket launcher. Officially named MMMP (Modular Multi-Munition Platform), it fires varieties of miniaturized 20mm rocket projectiles and grenades.

The standard configuration, fielded by CSA drones, fires slow-moving, gyrojet-style rockets. Designed for incapacitating cyborgs, they produce short-range concussive blasts intended to damage the target’s remaining biology, spalling their insides to mush. Standard payloads still remain effective against matériel, but it certainly earned the “Bonegrinder” nickname.