Codex/Femto Inc

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T UI Codex FEMTO.png
General Info
Nanotech Corporation
Unlocked by Default

Motto: Big things in tiny packages

Supplements and biodomes, the 20th century technohippy intertwined with modern corporate. The corporate world was always dark, concentrating on short-term. But then, there was Femto. A light in the dark, something to look up to with hope for a post-scarcity future. And if you felt otherwise, their kind, smart-dressed mercs would show you the lit path, and the door, with a boot up your ass.

The largest nanotech corp in the Solar System began as a small startup, created by altruist makers. That dream was abandoned, however, with new management. The new CEO hated the founders, ousting everyone for more power.

Remolded, Femto was soon on every billboard, every office, every TV, and of course, in your home, spying on you with their ubiquitous C-Balls, stealing your data down to your molecular structure. Some say that tech they eavesdropped is the root of their newest product, the one only seen by stock-holders. Some say this new product is her.