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General Info
Online Retailer
Unlocked by Default

Interport (short for Internet-Eksport, Rus. интернет-экспорт) traces its origins back to the USSR. While Perestroika allowed businesses, Interport was started by a politburo member seeking a financial life raft. The company concentrated on cutting costs, repurposing steelworks as warehouses and relocating food production to nickel refineries, safety be damned.

Over the years, Interport became the world's go-to for online purchases. Their US Operations developed huge warehouses, cheaply and shoddily built with an accidental resemblance to their Soviet origin. In recent years, Interport appointed an AI as its CEO – a world first. The incomprehensibly vast computer mind has introduced requirements for all employees to upload their consciousnesses into its network, effectively creating a posthuman state of productivity. This was met with enthusiasm by shareholders, as workers ceded their bodies. Cybernetically augmented to become “biorobots”, they have replaced their baseline workforce.