Codex/Juggernaut Combat Shell

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T UI Codex Juggernaut.png
General Info
Combat Android
Unlocked by Default

The fourth sanctioned CSA Combat Shell, made to deal with nano-augmented opponents. The Juggernaut Combat Shell is a mix of heavy industry and open sourced components tying together the limits of strength, armour, deceptive speed, and low budget.

Some CSA funds requisitioned from corporations are spent on deepening connections with the CORE makerverse, punks, and anti-authoritarians. This relationship built on mutual corporate hatred allowed the creation of a new class of shell, the holdout sent to finish the job against corruption. Work with tinkerers and open-source nutjobs allowed the CSA to think outside of the box, integrating slipspace technology in new unique ways. Its speed is unmatched for its armour and size, allowing the use of a heavy scattergun loadout.