Codex/XM34 CEMD Gauss Rifle

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General Info
Primary Weapon
Unlocked by Default

XM34 CEMD Gauss Rifle
Calibre: 1.6 mm flechette

The Army is infamous for long adoption cycles. Following “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” philosophy, some designs lasted 80 years.

After decades and trillions funnelled into DARPA, the US joined the rest of the world by introducing a Gauss Rifle. Dubbed the Coaxial Electromagnetic Driver, it’s currently tested by elite units under the XM34 designation, with the CSA and the Space Force being first to receive them.

Robust and reliable, the gun uses powerful coils to accelerate flechettes to hypervelocities unachievable with propellant-based cartridges. The recoil is greatly reduced, providing smooth shooting. In zero G it’s a real game changer, with space marines not wasting fuel on counter-propulsion.