Hand Cannon

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Hand Cannon
Combat Shell
Primary Weapon
Universal Stats
Crit Damage
90 (150%)
Weakpoint Damage
120 (200%)
Fire Rate
120 rpm
Max Ammo
Projectile Speed
160 m/s
Reload Speed
1.75 seconds
Short Reload Speed
0.875 seconds
Equip Time
0.25 seconds
Unequip Time
0.25 seconds

The Hand Cannon, also known as the Tora Peacekeeper in the Codex, is Hunter's primary weapon. It's a high precision moderate damage pistol, great for any range with good enough aim. Like all primary weapons, it can be reloaded infinitely.

Deals 50% more Weakpoint Damage, causing a total of 200% Weakpoint Damage.

Weapon Mods

There are 6 Weapon Mods for the Hand Cannon, 3 Elemental mods that add elemental damage of the respective type to the weapon, 2 Stat Boost mods that increase Max Ammo & Reload Speed respectively, and one Functionality Altering mod of the Headshot mod.

To see more details about how Elemental Damage works, see Damage Mechanics.

Fire Hand Cannon
Combat Shell
Primary Weapon


Adds FireT UI Icon Elemental Fire.png damage to the Hand Cannon.

Electric Hand Cannon
Combat Shell
Primary Weapon


ElectricT UI Icon Elemental Shock.png damage to the Hand Cannon.

Toxic Hand Cannon
Combat Shell
Primary Weapon


ToxicT UI Icon Elemental Toxic.png damage to the Hand Cannon.

Max Ammo Mod
Combat Shell
Primary Weapon

Max Ammo

Increases Max Ammo capacity from 7 to 9.

Reload Speed
Combat Shell
Primary Weapon

Reload Speed

Increases Reload Speed.
Reload Speed 1.75 -> 1.125 seconds
Short Reload Speed 0.8125 -> 0.6125 seconds

Headshot Mod
Combat Shell
Primary Weapon


Heavily reduced fire rate with a tradeoff of Weakpoint damage increasing from 150% to 570%, but the Crit Damage multiplier is reduced to a 50% bonus instead of a 100% bonus like the base Hand Cannon, leading to an slight DPS loss compared to the base pistol.

Despite the DPS loss, it is very easy to use this weapon mod effectively, including one-shotting light enemies with minimal further upgrades combined with ease of use & less ammo per target required.