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Implants are basic upgrades that can be put into Implant Slots.

Most implants have an Energy Cost and require to be put into a slot equal to or greater the energy cost for the Active Effect to work. If the active effect does have enough energy, the listed active effect will take place when you do the action corresponding with that implant slot.

Most implants also have a Passive Effect, some implants only have an active effect, and some implants only have a passive effect. Passive effects do not require to be in a specific energy cost slot nor are activated by the corresponding action, and are instead always active.

Combat Implants

T UI Implant 012.png#012Normal
ActiveT UI Battery2.png
Lv.1: Active effect 1
Lv.2: Active effect 2
Lv.3: Active effect 3
Lv.4: Active effect 4
Lv.1: Passive effect 1
Lv.2: Passive effect 2
Lv.3: Passive effect 3
Lv.4: Passive effect 4
T UI Implant 013.png#012Custom Active/Passive Effects
ActiveT UI Battery2.png
lvl 1: Good
lvl 2-4: Very Good
Lv.1: Passive effect 1
Lv.2: Passive effect 2
Lv.3: Passive effect 3
Lv.4: Passive effect 4
Sometimes it explodes.
T UI Implant 014.png#012Custom Effects
No active effect!
Sometimes it explodes. Most implants also have a Passive Effect, some implants only have an active effect, and some implants only have a passive effect. Passive effects do not require to be in a specific energy cost slot nor are activated by the corresponding action, and are instead always active.
Custom Note

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Most implants have an Energy Cost and require to be put into a slot equal to or greater the energy cost for the Active Effect to work. If the active effect does have enough energy, the listed active effect will take place when you do the action corresponding with that implant slot.

Most implants also have a Passive Effect, some implants only have an active effect, and some implants only have a passive effect. Passive effects do not require to be in a specific energy cost slot nor are activated by the corresponding action, and are instead always active.