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There are four biomes named Tora, Watts-Rucker, Interport, and Femto. Each biome completely changes what Enemies and Bosses you'll encounter, the environment, and a general increase of difficulty as you encounter stronger & more numerous enemies.

Tora is the first biome, and has 6 unique Enemies, and the Boss of Torantula.

There are 9 combat encounters in Tora, with 4 Implants, and 4 randomly selected Combat Encounter Rewards.

Screenshot Biome Tora.png

Watts is the second biome, and has 6 unique Enemies, and the Boss of Phoenix Apex.

There are 8 combat encounters in Watts, with 4 Implants, and 3 randomly selected Combat Encounter Rewards.

This is also the biome where Engineer can be unlocked.

Screenshot Biome Watts.png

Interport is the third biome, and has 6 unique Enemies, and the Boss of Iskra.

There are 6 combat encounters in Interport, with 3 Implants, and 2 randomly selected Combat Encounter Rewards. It is also the only biome to have the Next Area door, which will continue the combat encounter in another arena, and can happen multiple times in a row.

Screenshot Biome Interport.png

The fourth biome is within a nanotech corp building, housing Femto security units. Unlike the other three biomes this area is not linear, there are 5 areas and the danger zone, and each area has its own mini-boss. These bosses are variants of heavy units from the pervious 3 biomes. This biome has 3 unique Enemies, and 6 total Minibosses. At the end of the level is the final boss Lizz Watson.

There are 5 combat encounters in Femto, but only 1 is required before confronting Lizz Watson. Each combat encounter not completed adds 20% max health to Lizz, and you are able to choose which reward to go for first.

This is also the biome where Juggernaut can be unlocked, which is done via selecting the ??? option in the elevator, and completing that combat encounter.

Screenshot Biome Femto.png