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Neuralboost upgrades are powerful randomly-generated stat increase Combat Encounter Rewards with two variants, the common variant that has 2-3 small stat increases, and the rare variant that has 2 large stat increases, and then either has a strong drawback, or requires spending Credits to obtain.
The Common variant will always be the middle and left options, and the rare variant is always the option on the right, but is only labeled as rare when they require credits.

The Credits required is based on the Crisis Level, and is 100 on VR-Orientation, 125 on Deep Dive, and 150 on Neuromancy.

Commmon variant stat increases will be 2-3 of the following:

  • +10% Weapon Attack Power
  • +10% Elemental Damage
  • +10% Attack Power
  • +10 Max HealthT UI Tooltip HP.png
  • +15 Max ShieldsT UI Tooltip Shield.png
  • -10% Cooldowns
  • +10% Defense Power
  • +20 Skill PowerT UI Tooltip SkillPower.png
  • +10% Crit Damage

Rare variant stat increases will be 2 of the following:

  • +15% Primary Weapon Attack Power
  • +15% Secondary Weapon Attack Power
  • +25% FireT UI Icon Elemental Fire.png Damage
  • +25% ElectricT UI Icon Elemental Shock.png Damage
  • +25% ToxicT UI Icon Elemental Toxic.png Damage
  • +40 Skill PowerT UI Tooltip SkillPower.png
  • +30% Crit Damage

Rare variant downsides only occur if they're free, and will be 1 of the following:

  • -10 Max HealthT UI Tooltip HP.png
  • -15 Max ShieldsT UI Tooltip Shield.png
  • -10% Defense Power