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T UI Loadout Shell JuggerInv.png Juggernaut

The fourth Combat Shell, equipped with a Sawed Off Shotgun primary weapon, GNU+Cluster secondary weapon, Graviton Punch primary ability, and Stray Redirector secondary ability.
The Juggernaut class can be found by completing the Femto encounter marked ??? in the elevator. Completion of the run is not necessary to unlock.

T UI Codex Juggernaut.png

Combat Shell
Primary Weapon
Universal Stats
Crit Damage
16.5 (150%)
Fire Rate
180 rpm
Max Ammo
Projectile Speed
160 m/s
Reload Speed
1.5 seconds
Short Reload Speed
1 second
Equip Time
0.25 seconds
Unequip Time
0.2 seconds
Unique Stats
Projectile Count
Projectile Spread
25 degrees

Sawed Off Shotgun

The Sawed Off Shotgun, also known as the double barrel shotgun or the Prime Eliminator in the Codex, is Juggernaut's primary weapon. It has 2 shots with the shots firing on trigger pull and trigger release, and like the Rocket Launcher, it knocks the player backwards with recoil, though only while airborne. It has a very wide spread, so limited damage & accuracy outside of close range. Like all primary weapons, it can be reloaded infinitely.
It has a base damage of 132 if all 11 pellets hit, and has 6 Weapon Mods.

Combat Shell
Secondary Weapon
Rarity Modifiers
Rare Modifier
Both main projectile and shrapnel will Ricochet off surfaces
Legendary Modifier
Main projectile detonates upon hitting target
Universal Stats
Crit Damage
Fire Rate
81 rpm
89.1 rpm (81+10%)
97.2 rpm (81+20%)
105.3 rpm (81+30%)
113.4 rpm (81+40%)
121.5 rpm (81+50%)
129.6 rpm (81+60%)
137.7 rpm (81+70%)
145.8 rpm (81+80%)
162 rpm (81+100%)
Max Ammo
6 (5+1)
7 (5+2)
8 (5+3)
9 (5+4)
10 (5+5)
11 (5+6)
12 (5+7)
13 (5+8)
14 (5+9)
Projectile Speed
65 m/s
78 m/s (6.5+20%)
91 m/s (6.5+40%)
104 m/s (6.5+60%)
110.5 m/s (6.5+70%)
117 m/s (6.5+80%)
130 m/s (6.5+100%)
136.5 m/s (6.5+110%)
143 m/s (6.5+120%)
162.5 m/s (6.5+150%)
Equip Time
0.3 seconds
Unequip Time
0.2 seconds
Unique Stats
Shrapnel Damage
15.6 each
Shrapnel Count
14 (12+2)
16 (12+4)
18 (12+6)
19 (12+7)
20 (12+8)
21 (12+9)
22 (12+10)
23 (12+11)
24 (12+12)
Closeup Damage
145% damage
Travel Distance
7.5 meters
Shrapnel Angle
15 degrees


The GNU+Cluster, also known as Flak Cannon, is Juggernaut's secondary weapon. It shoots a grenade that explodes a set distance from the player, turning into fragments launched in a cone shape. It's most effective at medium range, lining up the targets to be right after the grenade explodes into fragments, and has considerable damage falloff at other ranges. Like all Secondary Weapons, it has limited ammo, and cannot be reloaded.

Being a secondary weapon, both the base weapon and the Weapon Mods can be leveled up, and there are rare and legendary variants of each GNU+Cluster.

Graviton Punch
T UI Skill GravitonPunchInv.png
Distance Traveled
20 meters
Travel Time
0.45 seconds

Graviton Punch

The Graviton Punch, also known as the Punch ability, is Juggernaut's primary ability. After a short windup, it launches the player towards where you are facing at the end up the windup, launching the player 20 meters in 0.45 seconds, and can break C-Balls or do 180 damage to enemies upon contact (and cannot hit Weakpoints). You also generate a small explosion with a 2.1 meter radius at the end of the punch. You are able to do any action during the punch, such as shooting weapons, reloading, throwing a grenade, etc.
It both Marks and Stuns enemies.
There are 3 HUB Upgrades and 3 Shell Upgrades related to the Graviton Punch.

Stray Redirector
T UI Skill StrayRedirInv.png
Explosion Radius
7.5 meters
Movement Speed
2.5 m/s

Stray Redirector

The Stray Redirector is Juggernaut's secondary ability. Upon activation your movement speed is reduced from 6.4 m/s to 2.5 m/s, you absorb all incoming damage, and after it wears off or a second activation you return to normal and generate an explosion with a radius of 7.5 meters that Marks and Staggers enemies.
There are 2 HUB Upgrades and 5 Shell Upgrades related to the Stray Redirector.