Shell Upgrades

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Combat Shell Upgrades are upgrades that buff the abilities for a class, for example buffs to GripWire or Scrambler for Soldier.

There are four Combat Shells, each with their own entirely seperate Combat Shell Upgrades. Some of these upgrades are unlocked by default, some require unlocking in HUB Upgrades.

T UI Loadout Shell SoldierInv.png Soldier

Unlocked by Default
GripWire De-Limiter

T UI Perk Hook BreakInv.png
GripWire does 80+SPT UI Tooltip SkillPower.png damage to hooked enemies upon Disconnecting The Rappel.

Cord Nanoconstructor

T UI Perk Hook NanoconstructorInv.png
If an enemy is killed shortly after Being Hooked, the Cooldown for the GripWire is Reset.

Anchor Tuner

T UI Perk Kinetic AnchorInv.png
Scrambler ShocksT UI Icon Elemental Shock.png enemies hit and becomes capable of Breaking C-Balls.

Scrambler Polarity Switcher

T UI Perk Kinetic DeflectInv.png
Scrambler Deflects Projectiles back at opponents.

Unlocked in HUB Upgrades
GripWire Power Leech

T UI Perk Hook PunchInv.png
Melee Damage is significantly boosted while the GripWire hook is deployed.
30 -> 100

Scrambler Remote Hack

T UI Perk Kinetic DamageInv.png
Damage increased based on the number of enemies Marked by the Scrambler.
+20% damage per enemy

Scrambler Force Inducer

T UI Perk Kinetic KnockbackInv.png
Scrambler Knocks Back enemies in its range.


T UI Upgrade BloodshotInv.png
Every Percent of missing HPT UI Tooltip HP.png is converted into Attack Power. Name is a reference to BloodShot9001

Field Compressor

T UI Perk Kinetic FieldInv.png
Scrambler deals damage equal to 50% of your Skill PowerT UI Tooltip SkillPower.png.

T UI Loadout Shell HunterInv.png Hunter

Unlocked by Default
Explosive Decoy

T UI Perk Decoy ExplosionInv.png
The IFF Decoy explodes, dealing 200+SPT UI Tooltip SkillPower.png damage to nearby enemies. You can also detonate it manually.

Stealth Translocator

T UI Perk Swap InvisibleInv.png
Translocator Cooldown is faster while Optical Camouflage is active.

Flashbang Translocator

T UI Perk Swap ShockInv.png
Upon Translocation, all enemies around the user are Stunned.

Unlocked in HUB Upgrades
Extended Decoy

T UI Perk Decoy DurationInv.png
The Decoy's Health is increased by 25.

Constructor Ball Recharge

T UI Perk Swap CDInv.png
After Translocating towards a C-Ball, the Cooldown is significantly reduced.

Translocator Minelayer

T UI Perk Swap MineInv.png
Upon Translocation, a Proximity Mine is placed on the Combat Shell's position.
100+SPT UI Tooltip SkillPower.png Damage

Recon By Fire

T UI Perk Decoy ReconInv.png
Enemies that damage the IFF Decoy will become Marked.

T UI Loadout Shell EngiInv.png Engineer

Unlocked by Default
Firewall Extinguisher

T UI Perk Taser DurationInv.png
Wormlink connection lasts 2s longer.

Crypto-mediated Overheat

T UI Perk Taser ExplosionInv.png
Killing an enemy during Wormlink connection will create an Explosion that Deals Damage and Marks nearby enemies.

Radar Frequency Upgrade

T UI Perk Turret MarkRangeInv.png
Turret Mark Range upon Deployment is increased by 100%.

Surge Emitter

T UI Perk Taser SurgeInv.png
A High Voltage Current is applied through the Wormlink Breach cable, dealing ElectricT UI Icon Elemental Shock.png damage to connected enemy.
20 damage dealt twice a second, scales with 50% Skill PowerT UI Tooltip SkillPower.png.

Unlocked in HUB Upgrades
Priority Target

T UI Perk Taser AnchorLinkInv.png
Turrets will prioritize the enemy affected by the Wormlink.

Constructor Link

T UI Perk Taser FortifyInv.png
The Wormlink's connection to C-Balls lasts longer. While connection is maintained, Fire Rate, Movement Speed, and Reload Speed are increased.
Fire Rate +100%

Mass Deployment

T UI Perk Turret DoubleTroubleInv.png
You can deploy a single Additional Turret, at the cost of Lowering the Damage Output of each active Turret.
10 -> 6
Does not decrease the damage of the elemental turret upgrades

Cyberbrain Link Override

T UI Perk Taser CyberbrainInv.png
Killing a target affected by the Wormlink will greatly reduce its Cooldown.


T UI Perk Turret AcidFlamethrowerInv.png
The Turret will additionally spew a Stream of Acid, dealing ToxicT UI Icon Elemental Toxic.png damage, and slowing down nearby targets.
Is one of the elemental upgrades unlocked by Elemental Sentries in the HUB Upgrades.
5 damage, 960 rpm, 0.85 meter range, Sentry Link increases Fire Rate to 1320 rpm, cannot hit weakpoints.

MLR Array

T UI Perk Turret HomingFireProjInv.png
The Turret becomes equipped with a battery of Incendiary Homing Missiles.
Is one of the elemental upgrades unlocked by Elemental Sentries in the HUB Upgrades.
Does not deal direct damage, applies IgniteT UI Icon Elemental Fire.png, cannot hit weakpoints.

Tesla Coil

T UI Perk Turret TeslaCoilInv.png
Adds an Electric Discharge Generator to your Turret, dealing ElectricT UI Icon Elemental Shock.png damage to enemies in the vicinity.
Is one of the elemental upgrades unlocked by Elemental Sentries in the HUB Upgrades.
20 damage dealt twice a second, 0.85 meter range, cannot hit weakpoints.

T UI Loadout Shell JuggerInv.png Juggernaut

Unlocked by Default
Concussive Blast

T UI Perk Absorb ConclussiveInv.png
Stray Redirector explosion Stuns nearby enemies.


T UI Perk Absorb NanoresonanceInv.png
Upon exploding, the Stray Redirector breaks C-Balls.

Stream Stabilizer

T UI Perk Absorb StreamInv.png
Stray Redirector Duration is increased.

Inpetus Inverter

T UI Perk Onslaught ImpetusInv.png
Graviton Punch damage increased with every enemy hit.
~20% per enemy, diminishing returns.

Unlocked in HUB Upgrades
Inductor Field

T UI Perk Absorb InductorInv.png
Gain Temporary ShieldT UI Tooltip TempShield.png for each enemy inside the Stray Redirector Explosion.

Slipspace Refractor

T UI Perk Absorb SlipspaceRefractorInv.png
The Stray Redirector deflects enemy projectiles towards them.

Harmonic Cascade

T UI Perk Onslaught HarmonicInv.png
Graviton Punch deals double damage to Armor.

Meteoric Cooling

T UI Perk Onslaught MeteoricInv.png
Graviton Punch Cooldown is reduced with every enemy it hits.