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In Deadlink, there are currently four combat shells (Soldier, Hunter, Engineer, and Juggernaut), the classes you choose before starting a run. Soldier is unlocked by default, Hunter requires you to complete ten combat encounters, Engineer requires you to "download data at Watts-Rucker labs" to unlock (see below for specifics), and Juggernaut requires the completion of a Femto encounter (see below as well).

Each combat shell has a primary weapon, secondary weapon, primary ability, and secondary ability, and they each have their own unique Shell Upgrades and Weapon Mods.


T UI Codex Soldier.png

The default combat shell, equipped with a Shotgun as a primary weapon, and Rocket Launcher as a secondary weapon, GripWire Rappel (also known as the grapple hook) primary ability, and Scrambler secondary ability.


T UI Weapon Shotgun.png
Imagine I put a really cool description here that goes into quite a bit of detail about this weapon where I end up fitting a sizeable chunk of information, and potentially even some data.

Rocket Launcher

T UI Weapon RocketLauncher.png
Imagine I put a really cool description here that goes into quite a bit of detail about this weapon where I end up fitting a sizeable chunk of information, and potentially even some data.

GripWire Rappel

T UI Skill Hook.png
Imagine I put a really cool description here that goes into quite a bit of detail about this weapon where I end up fitting a sizeable chunk of information, and potentially even some data.


T UI Skill Kinetic.png
Imagine I put a really cool description here that goes into quite a bit of detail about this weapon where I end up fitting a sizeable chunk of information, and potentially even some data.