Weapon Mods

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Weapon Mods can be obtained through Weapon Mod Doors for the respective class's Primary Weapon, and Heavy Weapon Mod Doors for Secondary Weapons from all unlocked classes, which means you can have secondary weapons & their respective mods from any other class you have unlocked.

Primary Weapons have 3 elemental weapon mods that just add elemental damage, as well as Stat Boost weapon mods.
Secondary Weapons only have 3 elemental weapon mods, but the weapon mods Completely Alter the gun.

T UI Loadout Shell SoldierInv.png Soldier

Shotgun Mods
T UI Weapon ShotgunFireInv.png

Adds FireT UI Icon Elemental Fire.png damage to Shotgun.

T UI Weapon ShotgunElectricInv.png

ElectricT UI Icon Elemental Shock.png damage to Shotgun.

T UI Weapon ShotgunToxicInv.png

Adds ToxicT UI Icon Elemental Toxic.png damage to Shotgun.

T UI Weapon ShotgunFireRateInv.png

Increases Fire Rate from 66 to 92.4 rpm.

T UI Weapon ShotgunReloadSpeedInv.png

Boosts Reload Speed.
Reload Speed 2.5 -> 1.5 seconds Short Reload Speed 1.2 -> 0.72 seconds

T UI Weapon RocketLauncherFireInv.png

Modified to launch Bouncing IncendiaryT UI Icon Elemental Fire.png Grenades.

T UI Weapon RocketLauncherElectricInv.png

Equipped with ElectricT UI Icon Elemental Shock.png Capsules that will Remain Operational for a short time and ShockT UI Icon Elemental Shock.png nearby targets.

T UI Weapon RocketLauncherToxicInv.png

Missiles replaced with Sticky, ToxicT UI Icon Elemental Toxic.png Grenades that will Detonate on Contact or Proximity of an enemy.

T UI Loadout Shell HunterInv.png Hunter

T UI Weapon HandCannonFireInv.png

Adds FireT UI Icon Elemental Fire.png damage to Hand Cannon.

T UI Weapon HandCannonElectricInv.png

Adds ElectricT UI Icon Elemental Shock.png damage to Hand Cannon.

T UI Weapon HandCannonToxicInv.png

Adds ToxicT UI Icon Elemental Toxic.png damage to Hand Cannon.

T UI Weapon HandCannonMaxAmmoInv.png

Increases Max Ammo capacity from 7 to 9.

T UI Weapon HandCannonReloadSpeedInv.png

Increases Reload Speed.
Reload Speed 1.75 -> 1.125 seconds
Short Reload Speed 0.8125 -> 0.6125 seconds

T UI Weapon HandCannonHeadshotInv.png

Increases Weakpoint damage from 150% to 570%, but Capped Fire Rate.

T UI Weapon ARCFireInv.png

Capable of Piercing Multiple Targets in one shot and penetrating their Armor. Deals FireT UI Icon Elemental Fire.png damage.

T UI Weapon ARCElectricInv.png

A long-range arc welder, emitting an ElectricT UI Icon Elemental Shock.png Beam.

T UI Weapon ARCToxicInv.png

A Rapid-Fire strange matter generator, shooting Explosive Projectiles dealing ToxicT UI Icon Elemental Toxic.png damage.

T UI Loadout Shell EngiInv.png Engineer

T UI Weapon AssaultRifleFireInv.png

Adds FireT UI Icon Elemental Fire.png damage to Gauss Rifle.

T UI Weapon AssaultRifleElectricInv.png

Adds ElectricT UI Icon Elemental Shock.png damage to Gauss Rifle.

T UI Weapon AssaultRifleToxicInv.png

Adds ToxicT UI Icon Elemental Toxic.png damage to Gauss Rifle.

T UI Weapon AssaultRifleFireRateInv.png

Increases Fire Rate from 300 to 420 rpm.
When combined with Burst Fire, Fire Rate increases to 739.2 rpm.

T UI Weapon AssaultRifleReloadSpeedInv.png

Increases Reload Speed.
Reload Speed 1.8 -> 1.08 seconds
Short Reload Speed 1.2 -> 0.72 seconds

T UI Weapon AssaultRifleBurstFireInv.png

Changes fire mode to a Three-Round Burst, increasing Fire Rate to 528 rpm.
If All Shots hit a target, the Last Round will deal Triple Damage (can be different targets).
When combined with the Fire Rate mod, Fire Rate increases to 739.2 rpm

T UI Weapon AssaultRiflePierceInv.png

Projectiles Penetrate enemies, dealing 80% Damage to targets Behind Them.

T UI Weapon GrenadeLauncherFireInv.png

Capable of shooting Piercing metal rods that Lodge themselves into surfaces. Activate to Recall all rods, IgnitingT UI Icon Elemental Fire.png Enemies on their path.

T UI Weapon GrenadeLauncherElectricInv.png

Equipped with Lightning Rods that ShockT UI Icon Elemental Shock.png enemies upon Activation, forming Arcs that deal ElectricT UI Icon Elemental Shock.png damage with Each Consecutive Link.

T UI Weapon GrenadeLauncherToxicInv.png

Rapid-Fire ToxicT UI Icon Elemental Toxic.png capsules, on Activation, the capsules release a Swarm that deals ToxicT UI Icon Elemental Toxic.png damage to nearby enemies.

T UI Loadout Shell JuggerInv.png Juggernaut

T UI Weapon SawedoffFireInv.png

Adds FireT UI Icon Elemental Fire.png damage to Sawed Off Shotgun.

T UI Weapon SawedoffElectricInv.png

Adds ElectricT UI Icon Elemental Shock.png damage to Sawed Off Shotgun.

T UI Weapon SawedoffToxicInv.png

Adds ToxicT UI Icon Elemental Toxic.png damage to Sawed Off Shotgun.

T UI Weapon SawedoffReloadSpeedInv.png

Increases Reload Speed.
Reload Speed 1.5 -> 0.9 seconds
Short Reload Speed 1 -> 0.6 seconds

T UI Weapon SawedoffDuplexInv.png

Sawed Off Shotgun will Fire Both Barrels on trigger pull, Doubling Damage and increasing recoil by 35%, but effectively doubling ammo cost.

T UI Weapon SawedoffRicochetInv.png

The projectiles will Ricochet Off Surfaces, dealing 75% more damage after the initial bounce.

T UI Weapon FCannonFireInv.png

A short-range jet burner dealing FireT UI Icon Elemental Fire.png damage, its damage output increasing with proximity to the target.

T UI Weapon FCannonElectricInv.png

A coil creating short-range arcs, dealing ElectricT UI Icon Elemental Shock.png damage in front of the user.

T UI Weapon FCannonToxicInv.png

An industrial-grade ToxicT UI Icon Elemental Toxic.png GOOB Launcher. Damages enemies over time, hindering their movement. Goobjectiles stick to horizontal surfaces.